To check the wiper motor circuit, first ensure the battery is in good condition and has a strong charge; if the wipers operate slowly, remove the wiper motor and manually operate the wiper arms to check for binding linkage and pivots, lubricating or repairing as necessary before reinstalling the motor. If the wipers fail to activate, check the fuse in the driver's side interior fuse panel, and if it's fine, connect a jumper wire between the wiper motor's ground terminal and ground, then retest. If the motor works, repair the ground connection; if not, check for voltage at the motor with the wiper switch in the HI position, noting that the cowl cover must be removed to access the motor's electrical connector. If voltage is present, remove the motor and test it off the vehicle with fused jumper wires from the battery; if it works, check for binding linkage. If it doesn't work, replace it. If there's no voltage to the motor, check the wiper control relays, and if voltage is present at the relays but not at the motor, have the switch tested. For inoperative interval function, check the continuity of the wiring between the switch and wiper control module. If the wipers fail to park, check for voltage at the park feed wire of the wiper motor connector when the switch is OFF but the ignition is ON, and if no voltage is present, check for an open circuit between the wiper motor and the fuse panel. For replacement, remove the wiper arm nuts, marking the relationship of the wiper arms to their shafts, and then remove both wiper arms. Disconnect the electrical connector from the wiper motor, remove the mounting bolts for the wiper motor and link assembly, and detach the link rod from the motor's crank arm. Remove the nut and washer securing the crank arm to the motor shaft, mark the relationship of the crank arm to the motor shaft, and remove it. Then, remove the motor mounting bolts and take the motor from its mounting bracket. For Toyota models, remove the trim covers over the wiper arm mounting nuts, mark the position of each wiper arm to its shaft, and then remove the arms. Disconnect the electrical connector from the wiper motor, remove the mounting bolts, and slide the assembly to disengage the rubber insulator from the bracket. Pry the linkage rod from the crank arm pivot, remove the crank arm nut, mark the relationship of the crank arm to the motor shaft, and remove the crank arm. Finally, remove the wiper motor mounting bolts and separate the motor from the link rod assembly. For the rear wiper motor, flip open the cap covering the rear wiper arm retaining nut, remove the nut, and mark the relationship of the rear wiper arm to the motor shaft before removing the arm. Remove the trim panel from the rear hatch, disconnect the electrical connector from the rear wiper motor, and remove the rear wiper motor mounting bolts before taking out the motor. Installation is the reverse of removal for all components.
Posted by LexusPartsNow Specialist