Engine Mounts seldom require attention, but broken or deteriorated mounts should be replaced immediately to prevent damage or wear on driveline components. During the check, the engine or transaxle must be raised slightly to remove the weight from the mounts. Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, then remove the splash shields under the engine and position a jack under the engine oil pan, using a large block of wood between the jack and the oil pan to carefully raise the engine just enough to take the weight off the mounts, avoiding positioning the wood block under the oil drain plug. Inspect the mounts for cracked, hardened rubber or separation from the bushing in the center, and check for relative movement between the mount plates and the engine or frame, using a large screwdriver or pry bar to attempt to move the mounts; if movement is noted, lower the engine and tighten the mount fasteners. Apply rubber preservative to the mounts to slow deterioration. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal, then raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands if not already done, and support the engine. If several mounts need replacement, only replace one at a time and tighten them as you go. For the passenger's side engine mount, remove the nuts securing the mount to the upper and lower brackets, then remove the bolts securing the mount to the frame and raise the transaxle enough to allow removal of the mount, ensuring to loosen the mounting nuts on the other engine mounts at the subframe for clearance. Installation is the reverse of removal, using thread-locking compound on the bolts and tightening them securely. For the driver's side transaxle mount, remove the nut securing the mount to the upper and lower brackets, then remove the bolts securing the mount to the frame and raise the engine enough for removal, again ensuring to loosen the mounting nuts on the other engine mounts for clearance. Installation follows the same reverse process with thread-locking compound. For the front engine mount, remove the fastener securing the mount to the bracket, then remove the bolts securing the mount to the frame and raise the engine enough for removal, with installation being the reverse and using thread-locking compound. For the rear engine mount, remove the mount nut and slide the through bolt out of the insulator, then remove the bolts securing the mount to the frame and raise the engine enough for removal, with installation being the reverse and using thread-locking compound. Finally, in the engine compartment, remove the bolts securing the engine movement control rod and its bracket, with installation being the reverse and using thread-locking compound on the bolts.
Posted by LexusPartsNow Specialist