To remove the cylinder head, first relieve the fuel system pressure and disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery, then drain the engine coolant. Next, remove the drivebelt and alternator, followed by the valve cover, throttle body, fuel injectors, fuel rail, intake manifold, and exhaust manifold. Remove the timing chain and camshaft sprockets, ensuring the engine is supported from below with a floor jack and a block of wood after the pressed steel portion of the oil pan is removed. For 2008 and later models, remove the camshafts, lifters, and camshaft housing. Label and disconnect the coolant hoses and electrical connections from the cylinder head, loosening the cylinder head bolts in 1/4-turn increments until they can be removed by hand, following the reverse order of the tightening sequence. Lift the cylinder head off the engine block, prying carefully if it is stuck, and remove any remaining external components for thorough cleaning and inspection. For installation, ensure the mating surfaces of the cylinder head and block are perfectly clean, using a gasket scraper and brake system cleaner to remove all traces of carbon and old gasket material. Stuff the cylinders with clean shop rags to keep out debris and use a vacuum cleaner to remove any material that falls into the cylinders. Check the mating surfaces for damage, chasing the threads in the cylinder head bolt holes with a tap and cleaning them with compressed air. Install the components that were removed, position the new gasket over the dowel pins in the block, and apply RTV sealant to the ends of the cylinder head gasket. Carefully set the cylinder head on the block without disturbing the gasket, apply clean engine oil to the threads and under the bolt heads of the new cylinder head bolts, and tighten them finger tight before following the recommended sequence for final tightening. The remainder of the installation follows the reverse order of removal, with a caution to wait at least four hours before adding oil and coolant and starting the engine. For 1999 through 2007 models, check and adjust the valves as necessary, change the engine oil and filter, refill the transfer case for 4WD models, and refill the cooling system, running the engine to check for leaks.
Posted by LexusPartsNow Specialist